

Posted by on Mar 23, 2014

A review by Joshua Kellerman

Gravity was a pretty horrible movie. They did well in avoiding to put any complex jargon that people couldn’t understand. It was an everyman movie—like Forrest Gump, except in no way inspiring.

Gravity sucked. I just watched it. There are better ways to motivate a family-less Medical Doctor who spends her days driving around than to have her suddenly working on the Hubble Space Telescope, where she is working for no reason at all and apparently with no training, and while up there she has a Guru-like meeting with George Clooney who is actually already dead in a satellite. Acting was OK. Script was pretty horrible. George Clooney’s arrogance and sense of self-righteousness come through even though he’s supposed to be nice. And what happened to physics? When you are in freefall you can’t actually fall away from somebody like George Clooney did when he unhooked his line. There is no physical explanation for that, unless he had his thrusters going the whole time which would just be stupid. That was impossible and it wouldn’t have been so horrible had it not been a key plot point. Also, who sends a Medical Doctor to fix an outside control panel on the Hubble Space Telescope? And how is it that with a 400 mile separation in orbit altitude, the Hubble can see the Chinese and the International Space Station?

Such a good concept, just so horribly written and acted.

How I would have written it: have her working in the International space station when somebody has an asthma attack and she, as the ship’s doctor, runs outside to deliver the medicine; disaster hits. The whole story still stands together. Then, George Clooney could have accidentally had a booster go off from malfunction which would give him the necessary force to be lost to the stars forever.

I almost became sick when I found out it won more Oscars than 12 Years a Slave.

I can’t believe that won best directing. Blugh. WTF world.