Raised in a military family, Sean Lane comes from an art-intensive
background spanning two continents. Experiencing life from multiple
cultural and philosophical perspectives has influenced his artistic career.
Sean has an avid passion for music with twenty-two years of
performance and a background in music theory. His focus has been the bass,
but he has also explored guitar, drums, piano and cello. He has been
producing live audio for several years and has experience in ProTools,
Reason, Cubase, FLStudio, and Nuendo.
Proficient in Adobe Photoshop for the past 16 years, Sean branched
into photography in 2008. High fashion, runway, portraiture and event
photography are his strengths. During his tenure as a photographer, he’s had
the pleasure of working with clients such as Cheap Trick, Label,
Professional Haircare, and PRMatch.com.