Schrödinger’s Box

Schrödinger’s Box

Posted on Jul 15, 2014

Something is in the box. It may be air. It may be a cat. The cat may be living, or the cat may be dead. But one thing is for sure, and that is that nobody makes a box for no reason. So presumably, the box is built around something, or something has been put inside of the box. There are a number of reasons why one should not open a box, but the primary one is; it could have bats. Even though the probability is extremely low.

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One Night Stand

One Night Stand

Posted on Jul 8, 2014

Friday, July 11th! 

100 State will be taken over by a group of over 30 Madison artists for one unforgettable night of:

-neon sculpture, tape art, screen prints, video installations, paintings, glass blown work( +++) locally made, on display and for sale
– free food
-live art
-live bands, emcees, djs, poets and more
-artists battling each other on the canvas! Winner goes to whoever raises the most funds for the families and children of the YWCA

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LIVE@ Nottingham CoOp

LIVE@ Nottingham CoOp

Posted on May 2, 2014

It was less than a week ago that the Nottingham CoOp was able to raise about $300 for the Lothlorian CoOp benefit. Stay tuned for live recordings.

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Joshua Kellerman

Joshua Kellerman

Posted on Apr 19, 2014

Joshua Kellerman is a creative writer for Something Media, LLC.

From his humble beginnings in theater, where he won first place at the Wisconsin Forensic Coach’s Association’s State Championship in Play Acting, Joshua has since turned his storytelling abilities towards film, television and other mass media. Committed to creating compelling stories that move people, as a filmmaker, Joshua has produced, directed, and acted in a feature length film in collaboration with Something Media LLC,  written three feature length screenplays, and helped spearhead and inspire many more smaller-scale media projects, including a pilot segment on PBS: Kids Entertainment.

In May 2014, Joshua will receive his bachelor’s degree with high honors in English and French from the University of Wisconsin: Madison, where he studied English, French and Computer Science. He also explored French Language at Aix Marseille Université and French and World politics at the Grande-École of Sciences-Politiques: Aix.

His artistic formation includes two years of training at UW-Milwaukee’s Peck School of the Arts in Film Production, Figure Drawing, 2D Hand-Drawn Animation, Character Design, and Scene Layout.

Joshua currently resides in the French town of Aix-en-Provence, where he has continued his passion for storytelling with French filmmakers and artists. His favorite authors are Shakespeare, Ovid, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Maurice LeBlanc and James Joyce.


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